About Memfy
About Memfy

Do you remember when you passed your driving test?

When did you start your first ever job?

When was the last time you laughed so much that it hurt?

How do you remember all those memories and events in your life that really matter? Whether you're 20 or 60, we all have years of eventful memories - happy, sad or even funny ones. How do you reminisce and stop them from being lost somewhere down memory lane? This is where Memfy.com comes in.

Memfy.com is designed to help you remember those important dates and events throughout your life. And not just the biggest milestones in your life, but particularly those little moments of joy, comedy and sadness that we all go through and usually get forgotten with time.

Joining takes seconds and is completely free - you can start recording all your past dates and events quickly and easily. Simply select the date and add your Memfy. You can add more detail, a photo or video so that when you look back over the years, the Memfy comes back to life as if it was yesterday. You can also categorise your memfies, so you can quickly find them at a later date.

Looking back is easy too - whether its 5, 10, 15 years down the line, you can use our search and filtering functionality to find those special memorable moments quickly and easily.

Who was with you when your Memfy happened? Tag them in your Memfy and invite them to tell you about their recollection of the event by adding a comment.

Choose whether you want to share your memories with all your friends, only a few of them, or keep it private to yourself only.

Create your free Memfy account today to capture, share and look back on life's memorable moments with Memfy.com.